We finished Crazy Love a few weeks back. I was just really bad at keeping you posted on my thoughts about the last couple of chapters that we went through. I am actually gonna go back to Chapter 8 of the book. When I first read this chapter or should I say glanced at it, I really didn't get anything out of it. But when I went back and actually read this chapter it was loaded. It was talking about when people are really focused on God and heaven. I think what I am going to do is quote from the book the different obsessions that he talked about that spoke to me.....
"Obsessed people are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo. A person who is obsessed with Jesus will do things that don't always make sense in terms of success or wealth on this earth( Crazy Love, pg 136). " When I look at this one I think of how much time in my life I waste. Waste away at stupid games on the computer or just plainly sitting around doing nothing. I wish I would take more of an opportunity to see what God has to say to me than what I want to do for myself.
Another obsession was "People who are obsessed with Jesus do not consider service a burden. Obsessed people take joy in loving God by loving his people (Crazy Love, pg 139). " I think I have more of a servents heart, so this one doesn't seem quite so out there like some of the others. I do find great joy in helping others in times of need.
A third obession was that of " A person who is obsessed is characterized by committed, settled, passionate love for God above and before every other thing and ever other being (Crazy Love, pg 143)." Why do I struggle so greatly with this one. I love God but I don't see myself by far as obsessed with him and that is sad and scary. He is suppose to be the most important part of my life and I just place him on the back burner. I only chose to spend time with him when I feel I have the time. Ouch.
When I take these 3 of the obsessions that Francis Chan talks about and really think about them and what they would mean in my relationship with Christ it makes it feel almost unatainable. One of the biggest things I struggle with is learning how to balance all my time. Yes I did admit to spending time playing computer games but that is something I can change. Then there are the other "things" that seem to take precedence; cleaning, cooking, laundry, spending time with my husband, spending time with my boys, spending time with friends........dadadadada.......the list goes on. How do I come to a place of making him my priority? How do I change all the old habits I am in to? How do I strive to become more like Christ? I think these are questions that will only help foster my relationship with Christ if I just put it into action. Now I just need to follow through with action.
In the final chapter of the book are some pretty provoking challenges that brings some questions to my mind.....Am I living my life in a way that is most loving? Do I live like today could be my last? Am I contagious in a postitive way? What will people say about me and the way I lived when I am gone? Will I hear " well done" when I get to heaven? I think that question in and of itself sums up how we should strive to live our daily lives.
Raising Arrows
Podcast #177 – When a Season Comes to an End
For many years, I lived in the season of toddlers and babies. How do you
navigate the end of ...