Well Dakota turned nine months on Monday and life just seems like it stays super busy with two little ones, both now mobile. Dakota has been crawling now for about 3-4 weeks I think. He is also pulling up on everything and getting into everything. So if you see my baby around with bruises its because he is trying to be a big boy.
Yesterday he did something that was really really scary. Jabez left the door open to our stairwell and I didn't know it. Dakota was crawling all over and I was working on laundry in my bedroom. The next thing I heard was a bang, bang, and then a loud scream and cry. I rushed to the kitchen to find my baby at the bottom of the stairs. I just have to say I know that God has his hand on my little guy cause all you can physically see on his little body is a little rug burn on his chin. We had him checked out and we have been told that he is totally ok. I can't thank God enough for watching out for my baby boy.
Today we returned to Ft. Wayne for an appointment with his plastic surgeon. It was a pretty open meeting. We talked about his past medical history and through any questions that we had. I feel pretty confident that this doctor will do an excellent job on our baby boy. We are looking at surgery for around the end of June, or that is what we know as of know. We will know more specifically in a few days I would hope.
On a different note, it is so fun to see Dakota trying all these new things he is doing but it is also hard. It seems like babies just grow up so fast that they are getting into everything before you can blink an eye. A friend of mine mentioned the other day that Dakota has been out as long as he was in. In a way that kind of makes me sad, not because I want another baby right now, but because of how fast time goes.
Then I think of the responsibility God has placed on our lives to nurture these little ones to become like him. So often I am in tears at this because so often I fail to show Christ and his love in the right way. I just keep praying that God would continue to help me grow in mothering my 2 wonderfully precious little souls to become more like him.
Raising Arrows
Podcast #177 – When a Season Comes to an End
For many years, I lived in the season of toddlers and babies. How do you
navigate the end of ...